Robert Whitesides - Communication Is Key - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 3

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Real Estate is at least 90% communication. An agent has to be able to effectively communicate their knowledge of real estate to their clients in order to get results quickly. There are so many things like contracts, taxes, federal housing reports, housing areas and lending that most people aren't aware of. Being able to communicate those things will help an agent rise above all the rest.

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Robert Whitesides:

Communication is everything though, man. Yeah, it real estate is 90% of communication and the reason that real estate agents and real estate professionals have a nasty stigma with them is because so many of them are poor communicators. That's right. And the younger agents are the worst. They love that text, man. <laugh>. What happened to the communication pyramid? <laugh> face to face is at the top, man. Text is way down there at the base. I think another reason that I'm able to have the opportunity to influence so many families' lives year over years because I'm still old school in my methods of communication, which I think a lot of people appreciate. I like to get face to face with people. Yeah. I'm gonna call you way before I text you. Yeah. Y'all both know that about me. Yeah, that's right. <laugh>. I am not afraid to say what's on my mind because we need to cut to the chase and get results.


Robert Whitesides - Starting A Real Estate Career - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 3


Robert Whitesides - 3 Questions For New Agents - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 3