Tammy Woodbury - Using Social Media To Educate Your Clients - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1

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Social media doesn't have to be just for business promotion, it can also be a great tool for educating the masses about obscure facts. A big way that Tammy and her team, The Clever People, use social media is to keep people informed about the things they should or should not be worried about.

Read the Snippet Here!

Tammy Woodbury:

Also talk about the fed rate went up and they say it cuz they want you to be like the interest rate went up, they're not the same thing. So every time I hear that line, the fed rate went up, I'm like, Right guys, let's talk about the fed rate. Let's talk about the interest rate, let's talk about all these things and what they really mean. And let's also talk about the truth of what the Mortgage Bankers Association said. Who cares who they are? But the bottom line is, your rate's not gonna change for this year. That's what you need to hear from me. Or by the way, do you know the market slowed a little bit right now? Sellers are paying closing costs. What if you got them to buy down your interest rate? Then you know what? Bam, you've got last year's interest rate right now because you got them to do it.

So getting that information out there is still where we're hyper focused right now because when people hear anything on the news, they're just taking the headlines. Like the number of people who report back to me, there's a housing crisis, foreclosures are terrible, they're all coming and all of our home values are gonna go down. I'm like, but actually if you saw the number of forecasted foreclosures, they are fewer than 2019, which was a banner year in real estate. If everybody today that was pending foreclosure went in, it's still fewer homes. And in 2019, and we were not.


Tammy Woodbury - Time Blocking And Researching What You Don’t Know - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1


Tammy Woodbury - Your Online Personality When Creating Social Media - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1