Tammy Woodbury - Your Online Personality When Creating Social Media - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1

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Tammy shares a quick story on how your personality will gain an online following even if it isn't the most upbeat personality in the world.

The bottom line is that with the 100+ million people who use Youtube every single day, there will certainly be people who like and consume content the way you make the content. So don't be afraid to get started!

Read the Snippet Here!

Nathan Whitworth:

If the nature of your content online doesn't align with kind of who you are, how you normally act, how you normally talk online, then there's obviously a big problem there. Right?

Tammy Woodbury:

I was at a conference a couple years ago and I told him this story where two females that were highly dynamic and they're funny and they're just easy to watch. And then there was this guy, he was real dry, kind of serious and a little jittery on the stage, and he said, Here's what I want you to know. He's like, My content is not nearly as dynamic of them, but then they pull up his page, thousands of followers, tons of comments, and almost all of his business, which is very lucrative, is from his YouTube video channel. Everybody has people who like them more. Yes. And they follow you. Yes. And then when people, It doesn't matter how great even your content is, I mean, he had good information, but just didn't have that same pizazz. Yes. But he said, But when they're really wanting to buy or sell, they're gonna dive in. They're gonna watch your playlist. They're binge watching something, right? Yes. And if you're the voice that they like to hear and they consume content the way you present it, then that's gonna appeal to.


Tammy Woodbury - Using Social Media To Educate Your Clients - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1


Tammy Woodbury - Lead Generation vs. Lead Nurturing - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1