Tammy Woodbury - Lead Generation vs. Lead Nurturing - A Snippet from Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents - Episode 1
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Tammy Woodbury goes in depth on her philosophy with Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing in this snippet from an upcoming show called Elevate: A Podcast For Driven Real Estate Agents.
A lot of times people think their social media profiles are generating new leads for their business. While that is definitely true, Tammy's philosophy is that social media is one of the best ways to nurture a business. In other words, social media helps your business rise above the noise and provides many examples of the type of excellence your business brings to the table.
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Nathan Whitworth:
It's the idea of lead generation versus lead nurturing, right? Most people think that they're doing lead generation when in reality it's lead nurturing. Can you kind of talk to me about your philosophy on this? How do you think about this? How do you approach it?
Tammy Woodbury:
When you think of like a mom nurturing, what do they do? They feed the baby. They hug the baby. They care for the baby. They bathe the baby, they change the baby's diaper. The baby does nothing for them. They just nurture the baby. They do good things for the baby. That's it, right? And social media is nurturing. There will be generation that, wait, that's not lead generation as a result of that, but the nurturing is all you're focused on. You will get the business, but do not do it because you think you're gonna get a call from it. Again, it follows, Your whole goal is not to say, Please call me to come seller by your home, or whatever. That's not the goal. Please don't say that in your video. Right? If you wanna stick it into a caption way at the bottom, they're probably never gonna scroll to, By all means do that. Right? But your goal is to give, to nurture to get them to take a next step in their thought process.
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